Is the horoscopes true?
Should I believe what my horoscope tells me ?
Suggestion by John
Suggestion by Derpy
The sun’s position connected to clusters of stars which the Ancient Greeks played connect the dots with is NOT important or defining. It just depends on how you were raised. Their might be some truth in the fact that people born in the winter might be different from people born in summer, because human energy sort of hits a low point, so the outcome of the first and most important stage of your life may depend on the mood of the surrounding people. But Horoscopes are not true, so don’t listen.
Suggestion by SorryForPartyRocking
You cant belive in what every horoscope tells you most of the time.
However its your choice whether you belive in them or not not everyone belives in horoscopes the same as not everyone belives in God its just somthing you have to decide for youself
-Hope i helped
What do you think? Answer below!
what are some horoscope/astrology websites ?
i like to check out my horoscope and i have found several : cafeastrology, dailyhoroscope. can u give me some more thanks
Suggestion by *~^~*scorpio*~^~*
Theres alot of other sites, u should go to google and other search engines and type in ‘horoscopes’.
Suggestion by TruthSeeker09
This one only goes from Aries up to Scorpio. But each sign is SO in depth, it’s a great site. Click the link at the bottom.
You can build your own chart here.
Suggestion by kawaii ^_^ very accurate website ^_^
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